Accepted article

 | Post date: 2021/07/14 | 

Triangular matrix extensions of ‎π‎-reguar rings

The aim of this paper is to study some extensions of abelian ‎π-regular rings. ‎ We prove that the class of abelian π‎-regular rings is closed under several triangular matrix extensions. ‎Also, a necessary and sufficient condition for a trivial extension to be an abelian ‎π‎-regular ring is obtained.‎‎

Dr Ali Shahidikia,Dr Morteza Ahmadi

On σ-classes of modules with applications

In this paper we introduce some lattices of classes of left
R-module relative to a preradical sigma. These lattices are generaliza-
tions of the lattices R-TORS, R-tors, R-nat, R-conat, of torsion theo-
ries, hereditary torsion theories, natural classes and conatural classes,
respectively. We define the lattices σ-(R-TORS), σ-(R-tors), σ-(R-nat),
σ-(R-conat), which reduce to the lattices mentioned above, when one
takes sigma as the identity. We characterize the equality between these
lattices by means of the (σ-HH) condition, which we introduce. We also
present some results about σ-retractable rings, σ-Max rings extending
results about Mod-retractable rings and Max rings.

Dr Hugo Alberto Rincón-Mejía,M. en C. Oscar Alberto Garrido-Jiménez

A new notions of quotient mappings and networks through $ P $-$ I $-convergence

In this paper, we procure the concepts of $ P $-$ I $-quotient mappings, $ P $-$ I $-$ cs $-networks,  $ P $-$ I $-$ cs' $-networks and $ P $-$ wcs' $-networks, and prove some properties of $ P $-$ I $-quotient mappings and $ P $-$ I $-$ cs' $networks, especially $ P $-$ J $-quotient mappings and $ P $-$ J $-$ cs $-networks on an ideal $ J $ of $ mathbb{N} $. With these notions, we obtain that if $ X $ is a $ P $-$ J $-$ FU $ space with a point-countable $ P $-$ J $-$ cs' $-network, then $ X $ is a meta-Lindelof space.  

Carlos Granados, Laxmi Rathour

An Advanced Numerical Approach To Solve Viscous Flow Via Modified Generalized Laguerre Functions

This paper presents an advanced numerical approach that applies the quasilinearization method (QLM) and collocation method (CM) based on modified generalized Laguerre functions (MGLFs) to solve a nonlinear system of ordinary differential equations governing viscous flow with heat transfer and magnetic fields on a semi-infinite domain. We demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method by comparing it with previous well-known methods. The results show that the proposed method provides an efficient and accurate solution to the problem.

Dr Zeinab Hajimohammadi,prof. Kourosh Parand,Dr Aida Pakniyat

Mercer type variants of the Jensen--Steffensen inequality-II

Jensen--Mercer's inequality for weights satisfying conditions as for the reversed Jensen-Steffensen inequality is proved. Several inequalities involving more than one monotonic function with reversed Jensen-Steffensen conditions are proved. Furthermore, a couple of general companion inequalities related to Mercer's inequality with reversed Jensen-Steffensen conditions are presented as well. Applications for the generalization of weighted Ky Fan's inequality, classical Power Mean, and classical Arithmetic--Geometric--Harmonic Mean inequalities are given as well


The equivalency relation on Fusion Frames

Fusion frames have been recently introduced by some researchers. They are applied in the construction of global frames from local frames and on centralized reconstruction versus distributed reconstructions and their numerical differences. In this paper, fusion frames in Hilbert C8-modules with C ∗-valued bounds are presented. Equivalent fusion frames and their duals are considered. Finally, we investigate fusion frames in Hilbert C ∗-modules that are constructed on the same set with different C ∗-algebras.

Azadeh Alijani

Oscillation behavior for a n-dimensional system of coupled van der Pol oscillators with delays

In this paper, the oscillatory behavior of the solutions for a n-dimensional system of coupled van der Pol oscillators with delays is investigated. We extend the result in the literature from mathematical point of view. some sufficient condition to guarantee the oscillation of the solutions are provided and computer simulations are given to support the present criteria.

Chunhua Feng

Some Properties Of G**-Autonilpotent Groups

Let G be a group. In this paper, we first introduce a new series on the subgroups generated by G and IA(G) and define G**-autonilpotency in this series. Then we study some properties of these concepts and their relationships.

Miss Sara Barin,Dr Mohammad Mehdi Nasrabadi

Cubic Semisymmetric Graphs of Order 52p

A graph is said to be semisymmetric if its full automorphism group acts transitively on its edge set but not on its vertex set. In this paper, we prove that there are no connected cubic semisymmetric graphs of order 52p,  where p ≥ 17 is a prime.

Mrs Samira Fallahpour

Solution of a nonlinear boundary value problem in probabilistic metric space with minimum $t$-norm

In the context of probabilistic metric spaces, we obtain some sufficient conditions for the existence of best proximity points for the class Kannan type contraction mappings. As an application of our findings, we present a solution to a second-order boundary value differential equation.

S K Bhandari, S Chandok, S Guria

Parameter for Connectedness on the Generalized Topological Spaces

Connectedness and path connectedness are the important tools for discussing the intermediate value theorem in the real line as well as in the calculus of R^n. Convex set is also discussed via connected and path connected notions. In the connected spaces, it can't be separated by some subsets of the original space. In our paper, we are interested
to study the connection as well as path connection of a space by means of number of points on account of the connection. To do this we define nth order connection and a new type of path connection and discuss their detail properties. In this paper, we shall show that the huge change of the properties of these connection and path connection from original connection as well as path connection. Counter examples are also an important argument of this paper.

Shyamapada Modak, Kulchhum Khatun, Md. Monirul Islam

Algorithms for Computing the Adjacency and Distance Matrices of a Class of 3-Generalized Fullerenes

‎A 3-connected cubic planar graph $H$ is an $m-$generalized fullerene if its faces are two $m-$gons and all other faces are pentagons and hexagons‎. ‎Suppose $H$ is such a graph‎. ‎The adjacency matrix $A(H) = [a_{ij}]$ is a matrix in which entries are 0 or 1 such that $a_{ii} = 0$‎, ‎$1 leq i leq n$‎, ‎and $a_{ij} = 1$‎, ‎$i ne j$‎, ‎if and only if the $i$-th vertex of $H$ is adjacent to the $j$-th vertex of $H$‎. ‎The distance matrix $D(H) = [b_{ij}]$ is defined as $d_{ii} = 0$‎, ‎$1 leq i leq n$‎, ‎and $d_{ij} = d(v_i,v_j)$‎, ‎$i ne j$‎, ‎is the length of a shortest path connecting the $i$-th and $j$-th vertices of $H$‎. ‎The aim of this paper is to present algorithms for computing the adjacency and distance matrices of a ‎$‎‎‎m$-generalized fullerene graph $C_{12m+40}$ with exactly $12m‎ + ‎40$ vertices‎. ‎There are some exceptional cases in our calculations for $m leq 5$‎. ‎These cases are solved with the aid of Matlab and then we will present a recursive method for computing the adjacency and distance matrices of the sequence ${C_{12m+40}}(m geq 5)$ of 3-generalized fullerenes‎.

Hasan Barzegar , Omid nekoei , A. R. Ashrafi

Blow Up of Solutions for Coupled Nonlinear Klein-Gordon with Source Term

In this paper we will substantiation that the positive intial-energy solution for coupled nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations with source term. We prove, with positive initial energy, the global nonexistence of solution by concavity method.

Djamel Ouchenane, Fares Yazid, Fatima Siham Djeradi

Characterizations of super quasi-Einstein spacetimes

The main goal of this paper is to characterize an imperfect fluid spacetimes, named super quasi-Einstein spacetimes. We address some properties of such a spacetime satisfying covariant constant Ricci tensor and Killing Ricci tensor. Further, we characterize super quasi-Einstein Yang pure space. Moreover, super quasi-Einstein generalized Robertson-Walker spacetimes have been investigated. Finally, we have constructed an example of a super quasi-Einstein spacetime.

Emeritus Professor Uday Chand De,Mr. Dipankar Hazra

Investigations on Malmquist Type Delay Differential Equation over Non-Archimedean Field

In this article, we have established the analogue of famous Mokhon'ko lemma for the rational function of two non-linear differential operators. We also investigated on the existence of solutions of a system of Malmquist type delay differential equation over non-Archimedean field.

Dr. Sayantan Maity,Dr. Abhijit Banerjee

On the PUL-integral on Smooth Manifolds

    The notion of the PU integral was first formulated by Kurzweil and Jarnik. It is a Henstock type that utilizes the concept of a partition of unity in it covering system. They mentioned, without much details, that this integration process may be used in the formulation of the Henstock integral in manifolds. In this paper, the above query will be revisit and the Henstock integral of a function defined on a manifold will be presented including some of its fundamental properties.

Dr Greig Bates Flores


In this paper we introduce rough φ-convergence of real numbers as a generalization of rough convergence as well as φ-convergence. We study some of its basic properties and relations of the above convergence concept with already known different types of convergence.
In 2001, H.X.Phu proved that "The diameter of a r-limit set is not greater than 2r". We investigate the above result for rough φ-convergence by introducing r-φ limit set and surprisingly the result comes out to be not true.
So our main aim is to find out the different behaviour of the new convergence concept based on r-φ limit set.

Dr. Chiranjib Choudhury,Dr. Shymayal Debnath,Dr. Ayhan Esi

Vortex Solutions for the 2D Boussinesq Equations Under the Radial Gravity

The main objective of this article is to find some vortex solutions of finite core size for plane Boussinesq equations under the radial gravity, coupled with a diffusive equation of temperature in a weighted subspace of L2(R2). Solutions are expanded into series of Hermite eigenfunctions. We find the coefficients of the series and show the convergence of them.

Behruz Raesi, Mahdi Kamandar

Duality of FqFq[u]-additive skew cyclic codes

Li et al. (2021) obtained the generator polynomials and the minimal generating sets of FqFq[u]-linear skew cyclic codes, where q is a power of prime integer and u2 = 0. In this paper, we determine the structure of dual of these codes in terms of their generating polynomials and we illustrate the dual of some special FqFq[u]-additive skew cyclic codes.

Dr Saeid Bagheri,Dr Roghaye Mohammadi Hesari,Ms Elham Shahpouri,Dr Karim Samei

On Statistical Compactness

In the search of a topological property which lies somewhere between compactness and Lindelofness, we introduce the concept of statistical compactness in this paper. We have also searched for the preservation of statistical compactness under sub-space topology and open continuous surjection. Some nite intersection like properties are also addressed here.

Susmita Sarkar,Dr Prasenjit Bal,Dr Debjani Rakshit

Exact solution of a stochastic differential model for repeated dose pharmacokinetics

We studied a mathematical model that describes the dynamics of drug concentration in the body involving random factors such as variability among patients and the environment. Our work focuses on obtaining an explicit solution formula for the drug concentration in the body under a multiple dosage regimen, that has not been studied in the context of SDEs model. For the sake of completeness,  we got exact solutions for the cases of single and constant dosage in time.
Based on this result, formulas for expected values and variance are calculated for each case of study. This  allows the statistical valuation of the proposed models, as well as predicting the realistic trajectory of the drug concentration and the uncertainty of it. Then, we estimate the unknown parameters in the uncertain pharmacokinetic model using the method of moments. The numerical examples illustrate the effectiveness and rationality of our model. Furthermore, the proposed methods are applied to a real data set. These results are useful in the long-term analysis of the drug concentration and the determination of the therapeutic range.

Mr. Ricardo Cano Macias,Mr. José A. Jiménez M.,Mr. Jorge M. Ruiz V.

On the Solutions of Fuzzy Time Fractional Diffusion Problem by ARA Transform Method

Fuzzy fractional diffusion problems (FFDPs) play a substantial role in analyzing plenty of mathematical models. This research is devoted to constructing the solution of FFDPs by a reliable combination of the ARA transformation method and homotopy analysis method (HAM). First, the ARA transform method is utilized to reduce the problem into a more straightforward form to tackle. Then we utilize the HAM to acquire the exact fuzzy solution of FFDPs in series form which leads us to establish it in terms of Mittag-Leffler and other fractional trigonometric functions. Later, HAM is employed to construct a solution of FFDPs. The illustrated examples confirm that this method is effective and accurate for obtaining the solution of fuzzy fractional partial differential equations (FFPDEs) with less uncertainty.

Dr. Suleyman Cetinkaya,Prof. Dr. Ali Demir

On Common Fixed Point Using Expansion Mapping in $C^*$-Algebra Valued Metric Spaces

In this present manuscript, for four weakly compatible mapping in pairs, an expansion theorems have been developed in $C^*$-algebra valued metric space. We proved the theorem without using the completeness condition of $C^*$-algebra valued metric space by $(E.A.)$ and $(CLR)$ property. The result is an extension and generalization of several metric space results available. To confirm the finding, suitable examples are also discussed.

Mr Rishi Dhariwal,Dr Deepak Kumar

Some Weighted Ostrowski Type Inequalities For Functions Whose First Derivatives Are Extended s-Convex Function In The Second Sense

In the present paper, we establish a new weighted integral identity, through it we elaborate some new weighted Ostrowski type inequalities for the functions whose modulus of the first derivatives are s-convex. Several known results are derived. Applications to special means are given.

Hayet Baïche, Badreddine Meftah, Ali Berkane

Multiplicative Lie triple higher derivation on unital algebra

In this article, we show that under certain assumptions every multiplicative Lie triple higher derivation $mathfrak{L}={mathrm{L}_i}_{iinmathbb{N}}$ on $mathfrak{U}$ is of standard form, i.e., each component $mathrm{L}_i$ has the form $mathrm{L}_i=delta_i+gamma_i,$ where ${delta_i}_{iinmathbb{N}}$ is an additive higher derivation on  $mathfrak{U}$ and ${gamma_i}_{iinmathbb{N}}$ is a sequence of mapping $gamma_i:mathfrak{U}rightarrow mathfrak{Z}(mathfrak{U})$ vanishing at Lie triple products on $mathfrak{U}.$

Prof. Mohammad Ashraf,dr. Aisha Jabeen,prof. Feng Wei

Damage detection in a pipe using an arti cial immune system optimized by the Clonal Selection Algorithm

This work presents an innovative Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) apliced to acoustic tubes. This system emerges as an alternative to traditional inspection methodologies in mechanical structures, providing high efficiency combined with speed and monetary savings. This system has the ability to assess the remaining life of the mechanical structure and assist in decision-making, being able to intervene in situations of critical stress, preserving lives and the long-term functioning of the structure. This work has as objective the theoretical basis and the detection of failures in pipes by acoustic means, following the norm ISO10534-1 (1996) in the data collect. The Clonal Selection Algorithm is based on the continuous learning capacity of the biological immune system, having the ability to learn by repetition and memory. When the body finds an antigen previously presented to the system the immune response will be stronger and faster, with each new meeting more information the system will obtain about the virus, for example, being able to identify and fight it more efficiently. In this case, ClonalG is being used to optimize the working of the AIS, ensuring more autonomy to the system, in order to improve the results obtained, and assist in decision making. This method
of fault detection using acoustic means combined with clonal optimization requires considerably less training data than is usually used in the literature, with approximately 71% less data. The results presented in this work showed how it is possible and effiective to detect failure in pipes by acoustic means using an Artificial Immune System for structural monitoring, grounded in intelligent computing techniques, with a 100% accuracy in the detection of damage.

IFM Igor Merizio,FRC Fábio Chavarette

A Fuzzy Multivariate Regression Model To control outliers, and multicollinearity Based On Exact Predictors And Fuzzy Responses

‎Multivariate regression is an approach for modeling the linear relationship between several variables‎. ‎This paper proposed a ridge methodology adopted with a kernel-based weighted absolute error target with exact predictors and fuzzy responses‎. ‎Some common goodness-of-fit criteria were also used to examine the performance of the proposed method‎. ‎The effectiveness of the proposed method was then illustrated through two numerical examples including a simulation study‎. ‎The effectiveness and advantages of the proposed fuzzy multiple linear regression model was also examined and compared with some well-established methods through some common goodness-of-fit criteria‎. ‎The numerical results indicated that our prediction/estimation gives more accurate results in cases where multicollinearity and/or outliers occur in data set.

Dr. Gholamreza Hesamian,Dr. Mohammad Ghasem Akbari,Dr. Mehdi Shams

Almost Simple Groups of Lie Rank Two and Genus Two

For a finite group G, the Hurwitz space H^in_{r;g}(G) is the space of genus g covers of
the Riemann sphere P1 with r branch points and the monodromy group G.
In this paper, we study the connectedness of the Hurwitz space H^in_{r,g}(G) where G is
almost simple groups of Lie rank two, with at least four branch points and genus two.
Our approach uses computational tools, relying on the computer algebra system GAP
and the MAPCLASS package, to find the connected components of H^in{r,g}(G). This work
gives us the complete classification of G.

Dr. Haval Mohammed Salih

Weak ϕ-ideals and weak c#-ideals

In 2021, Ciloglu and Towers introduced the notion of a weak c-ideal of a Lie algebra, and used it give some characterizations of solvable and supersolvable Lie algebras.
In this paper, analogously, we introduce the notions of weak ϕ-ideals and weak c#-ideals, and obtain some new characterizations of solvable and supersolvable Lie algebras by using these notions.

Dr Leila Goudarzi

Local fractional Hilbert-type inequalities for Cantor-type spherical coordinates with non-conjugate exponents

In this paper, we derive a local fractional Hilbert-type inequalities with non-conjugate exponents. In addition, considerable attention is given to the higher dimensional Cantor-type spherical coordinates on a fractal space.

Dr Predrag Vukovi'{c},Dr Wengui Yang

On deferred statistical convergence of sequences in gradual normed linear spaces

In the present article, we set forth with the new notion of deferred statistical
convergence and strong deferred convergence in gradual normed linear spaces. We produce
significant results that elucidate incongruity between the two notions. Furthermore, we investigate
several properties and establish a necessary and sufficient condition for gradual
deferred statistical convergence. We end up by introducing the concept of gradual deferred
statistical Cauchy sequences and proving the equivalency of gradual deferred statistical convergence
and gradual deferred statistical Cauchyness.

Mr Chiranjib Choudhury,Prof Mehmet Küçükaslan

A Study of Some Geometric Aspects of a Subclass of Analytic Functions

We introduce a subclass k-TUS^{∗}(α,ϑ) of uniformly starlike functions f and study characterization theorem and coefficients estimates. Also we define a neighbourhood of an analytic function f under certain assumptions and study some neighborhood related results. We establish results relating to the partial sums of functions belonging to the class k-TUS^{∗}(α,ϑ). These functions are closely linked with the conformal mappings which lead to the growing applications in boundary and eigen-value problems in mathematics and various other fields of science and engineering. This research may also be related with the various known classes already found in the literature.

Syed Zakar Bukhari, Huo Tang, Farah Manzoor

The Cozero-divisor Graph of a Commutative Ring: A survey

In 2011, M. Afkhami and K. Khashyarmanesh introduced the cozero-divisor graph.
Let $R$ be a commutative ring with identity and let $W^*(R)$ be the set of all non-zero non-unit elements of $R$. The cozero-divisor graph $Gamma^prime(R)$ of $R$ is a simple graph with the vertex set $W^*(R)$, and two distinct vertices $a$ and $b$ are adjacent if and only if $anotin bR$ and $bnotin aR.$ In this paper, we offer a survey of results on cozero-divisor graph of commutative rings.

Ms. AMRITHA VC,Dr. Subajini M,Dr. Selvakumar K

Euler Catalan Riesz sequence spaces their duals and matrix transformations

In this article, we introduce and study Euler Catalan Riesz sequence spaces of nonabsolute type. We obtain some topological properties and Schauder basis of the newly formed sequence spaces. Moreover, we compute the α-,β-,γ-duals of these spaces and their matrix transformations. Finally, we prove that this sequence spaces are of Banach-Saks type p and has weak point property.

Dr. Kuldip Raj,Prof. Ayhan Esi,Dr. Kavita Saini

Characterization of radical of $A$-ideals in $MV$-modules

In 2018, we characterized the elements of radical of an ideal in $MV$-algebras. In this paper, we try to give a characterization for elements of radical of an $A$-ideal in $MV$-modules. For this purpose, we first present the definition of the envelope of an $A$-ideal in $MV$-modules and then verify the relation between the envelope of $A$-ideals and the radical of $A$-ideals in $MV$-modules. Finally, in a variety of circumstances, we offer a formula for identifying the elements of radical of an $A$-ideal in $MV$-modules.

Dr. Simin Saidi Goraghani,Prof. Rajab Ali Borzooei

Generalization of Ostrowski's Inequality for Differentiable Functions and its Applications

Weighted Ostrowski type inequality is assumed for differentiable mappings which are bounded, bounded from above and bounded from below. Applications for some quadrature and non standard quadrature rules are also given.

muhammad awais shaikh, Asif Raza Khan

An efficient FR-CD-like algorithm for unconstrained optimization

A hybrid conjugate gradient (CG) method is proposed for solving unconstrained optimization problems. The direction of the method is a combination of a three-term conjugate descent (CD) and Fletcher-Reeves (FR) CG directions. Also, it is close to the direction of the memoryless Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno (BFGS) method. In addition, under the Wolfe-type line search, the global convergence of the method is established. Numerical experiments are conducted on some benchmark test problems and the results are reported to show the efficiency of the propose method compared with some existing methods.

Dr. Jitsupa Deepho,Dr. Auwal Bala Abubakar,Dr. Maulana Malik,Mr. Abdulkarim Hassan Ibrahim,Dr. Aliyu Ibrahim Kiri

Fixed point theorems for multivalued mappings in Banach algebras and an application for fractional integral inclusion

In this paper, we establish some fixed point results for the sum and the product of three multivalued mappings, with weakly sequentially closed graph under weak topology features in a Banach algebra. Satisfying a certain sequential condition (P). As an application, our results are used to prove the existence of solutions for a certain non-linear integral inclusion of fractional order.

Afif Ben Amar, Amro Alsheikh Ali

On the Independence graph of Hamming graph

The independence graph Ind(G) of a graph G is the graph with vertices as maximum independent sets of G and two vertices are adjacent, if and only if the corresponding maximum independent sets are disjoint. In this work, we find the independence graph of Cartesian product of d copies of complete graphs Kq, which is known as the Hamming graph H(d, q). Greenwell and Lovasz [9] found that the independence number of direct product of d copies of Kq as qd−1. We prove that the independence number of Hamming graph H(d, q), which
is cartesian product of d copies of Kq, is also qd−1 . As an application of our findings, we find answers for rook problem in higher dimensional square Chess board.

M Saravanan, KM Kathiresan

Fuzzy Sumudu Transform for System of Fuzzy Differential Equations with Fuzzy Constant Coefficients

In this study, we employ fuzzy Sumudu transform to find the solution for system of linear fuzzy differential equations where the system possesses fuzzy constant coefficients instead of crisp. For this purpose, fuzzy Sumudu transform has been revisited and a brief comparison with fuzzy Laplace transform is provided alongside, particularly on the scale preserving property. For the sake of comparison, we introduce to the literature a time scaling theorem for fuzzy Laplace transform. Next, the system with fuzzy constant coefficients is interpreted under the strongly generalized differentiability. From here, new procedures for solving the systems are proposed. A numerical example is then carried out for solving a system adapted from fuzzy radioactive decay model. Conclusion is drawn in the last section and some potential research directions are given.

Dr. Norazrizal Aswad Abdul Rahman,Assoc. Prof. Muhammad Zaini Ahmad

Neutrosophic textit{b}-Locally Open Sets in Neutrosophic Topological Spaces

The main aim of this article is to introduce the notion of neutrosophic locally open set, neutrosophic locally closed set, neutrosophic textit{b}-locally open set, neutrosophic textit{b}-locally closed set, NLO*-set, NLC*-set, NLO**-set, NLO**-set, N-textit{b}LO**-set and N-textit{b}LC**-set via neutrosophic topological spaces, and investigate several properties of these classes of sets. Besides, we formulate several interesting theorems, propositions, remarks, etc. on neutrosophic topological spaces. Further, we furnish few illustrative examples on these classes of sets.

Mr Suman Das,Prof. Binod Chandra Tripathy

Some further refinements of Hermite-Hadamard type inequalities for harmonically convex and p-convex functions via fractional integrals

It is well known that Hermite-Hadamard inequality generates an estimate of the mean value of the convex function over a bounded interval, in this work we investigate some Hermite-Hadamard type integral inequalities for p-convex functions and harmonically convex functions in fractional integral forms. Precisely, we provide extensions better than those existing in earlier works.

Prof. Maamar Benbachir,Mr Farid Chabane,Prof. Imdat ISCAN


Many works are elaborated to derive interesting identities for hypergeometric-type series containing as a factor a digamma function. In the present note, new reduction formulae for Kamp´e de F´eriet series of types F 1:2;1 2:1;0 and F 2:2;1 3:1;0 are performed. By specializing certain parameters, series identities and related reduction identities are deduced.

Prof. Abdelmajid Belafhal,Dr. EL Mostafa El Halba El Halba,Dr. Talha Usman


In this manuscript, we analyze the solution for class of linear and nonlinear Caputo fractional Volterra-Fredholm integro-differential equations with nonlinear time varying delay. Also, we demonstrate the convergence and stability analysis for these equations

1 A.A. Soliman,2 K.R. Raslan,3 A.M. Abdallah

On the Sets of Strongly f-Lacunary Summable Sequences

The statistical convergence with respect to a modulus function has various applications in both mathematics and statistics. The main purpose of this research paper is to establish the relations between the sets of strongly f-lacunary summable and strongly g-lacunary summable sequences, strongly f-lacunary summable and f-lacunary statistically convergent sequences, where and g are different modulus functions under certain conditions. Furthermore, for some special modulus functions, we establish the relations between the sets of strongly f-lacunary summable and strongly lacunary summable sequences.

Ibrahim S. Ibrahim, Rifat Rifat Çolak

Lower bounds on signed total double Roman $k$-domination in graphs

A signed total double Roman $k$-dominating function (STDRkDF) on a isolated-free graph $G=(V,E)$ is a
function $f:V(G)rightarrow{-1,1,2,3}$ such that (i) every vertex $v$ with $f(v)=-1$ has at least two
neighbors assigned 2 under $f$ or at least one neighbor $w$ with $f(w)=3$, (ii) every vertex $v$ with $f(v)=1$ has at least one neighbor $w$ with $f(w)geq2$ and (iii)
$sum_{uin N(v)}f(u)geq k$ holds for any vertex $v$.
The weight of an STDRkDF is the value $f(V(G))=sum_{uin V(G)}f(u).$ The signed total
double Roman $k$-domination number $gamma^k_{stdR}(G)$ is the minimum weight among all
signed total double Roman $k$-dominating functions on $G$. In this paper we present sharp lower bounds for $gamma^2_{stdR}(G)$ and $gamma^3_{stdR}(G)$ in terms of the order and the size of the graph $G$.

Dr. L. Shahbazi,Dr. H. Abdollahzadeh Ahangar,Dr. R. Khoeilar,Prof. S.M. Sheikholeslami

The probability when a nite commutative ring is nil-clean

We define an indicator of the probability when a finite commutative ring is nil-clean, and
calculate this probability for certain classes of finite commutative rings

Prof Peter Danchev,Prof Mahdi Samiei

Some Equations In Semiprime Rings With Multiplicative Generalized Semiderivation

Let R be a semiprime ring. A mapping F on R is said to be a multiplicative generalized semiderivation of R if there exists a multiplicative semiderivation d associated with a map g on R such that (i) F(xy)=F(x)y+g(x)d(y)=d(x)g(y)+xF(y) and (ii) F(g(x))=g(F(x)), for all x,y∈R. The purpose of this paper is to study multiplicative generalized semiderivations satisfying certain differential identities on semiprime rings.

Dr Zeliha Bedir,Dr Oznur Golbasi


In this paper, by the use of Gauss-Ostrogradsky identity, we establish some integral inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard type for functions of three variables defined on closed and bounded convex bodies of the Euclidean space R³. Some examples for 3-dimensional balls are also provided.

Prof Silvestru Dragomir

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